Wood Drying Kiln Wet Air Venting™️ System (Retro-Fit to Any Kiln)
Dry Any Species of Wood in Less Time, Using Less Fuel, and Minimal Degradation to the Wood.
Wet-Air Venting™ is a product that should save 20-25% on fuel costs and allow you to dry 20-30% faster. It is a must for drying wood species including maple, poplar, pines, ash, or any other fast drying species or species susceptible to stain. With drying oak or other slow dry species, the wet air venting™ will allow you to dry at a lower wet bulb temperature giving brighter lumber with less degrading of the wood. This patented process can end some if not all of these problems. Our system uses basic science and physics to dry wood faster without causing damage to the wood. We have worked with actual engineers and wood dryers over the past 20 years to develop this system. We've developed a process that dries the entire cross-section of the wood rather than from the outside in.
We force energy into the cross-section of the wood, allow it to come out, and along with it, moisture. We allow the board to rest and start the cycle over. Therefore, the wood dries faster with little to no damage (cupping, warping, honeycomb etc.). Our controllers use a pre-programmed "dump cycle" to run this process. Our venting system pulls how and cool air to create pressure in the kiln, forcing the air evenly through all of the wood and vents moisture out. Your kiln will not vent hot air that costs you more time and energy.
BolDesign Powered Vent Fan Unit
All aluminum frame utilizes a roll-formed barrel 25” dia. X 36” long. This welds to a mounting plate, flanged to bolt to the wall. A choke-type damper closes the unit when not venting using a diaphragm-type operator. The fan is a six-bladed, 24” dia, and cast aluminum, reversible fan with a taper lock bushing to mount. The 2hp motor is marine duty, with epoxy dipped windings, stainless steel shaft, and sealed bearings.

BolDesign Control Panel
Our control panels come programmed with the correct dump cycle settings that allow you to take full advantage of our fast and efficient wood drying process. It is vital that your staff is properly trained to manage this process to get the desired results.
History of Wet Air Venting™️
BOLDesigns kilns have outperformed competitors’ kilns throughout the past years since 1985. The primary reason has been the patented Wet Air Venting system. This is the most effective venting system available because it vents the air as it exits the lumber while it is saturated and before being mixed with outside air or reheated. The system vents much less total air, giving substantial savings on heat. These powered ventilators reverse direction in order to push or pull the required make-up air into the kiln when venting is necessary. The reversing action of the vent fans are tied directly to the direction of the main fans in order to exhaust moisture-laden, saturated air only from the exiting side of the load. This design ensures higher efficiency operation and more precise EMC control.